Wilmcote C of E Primary School

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Wilmcote C of E Primary School, Church Road, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 9XD



Wilmcote C of E Primary School

We work better when we work together

  1. Parents
  2. Emergency Closure

Emergency Closure

With the weather getting colder next week, here is a useful reminder to parents and carers of the emergency procedures should a school closure be enforced due to snow, flooding or bad weather.  We last had snow days in December 2017 and March 2018 where these procedures were used effectively.


For occasions such as the ones above,  Mr. Hilton (CEO) will be in regular (early morning) consultation with Mrs. Twyman (Headteacher) and Mrs. Morgan (Local Academy Council Chair). We will endeavour to make a decision as early as possible but this cannot always be guaranteed. This will be communicated in a number of ways: -


  • School email - it is parents’ responsibility to make sure the school office always has the most up-to-date contact details, including at least two emergency contacts.
  • School Twitter - https://x.com/wilmcoteschool (@wilmcoteschool).
  • Radio - BBC Coventry and Warwickshire.


If a decision is made to close our school prematurely during the day, our email system will be used. We will also tweet immediately.  Children will NOT be allowed to be collected by another adult unless parents have contacted the school to confirm this, OR they are listed as an emergency contact.

If school remains open but the playgrounds are icy and deemed slippy we will follow a gritting route procedure in order of priority. We will not grit beyond the school site 

The decision to close is not one taken lightly, but the safety of pupils, parents and the staff have to be considered, many of whom do not live locally. Thank you, in anticipation for your patience, co-operation and understanding!